Miyerkules, Hunyo 26, 2013

How Much Does a Solar Installation Cost in the US?

Government incentives, lesser grid energy consumption, and minimal impact on the environment - these are just some of the leading reasons why a lot of homeowners across the US are looking to get a solar panel installation.

However, what causes people to take a step back in their desire to live with partial dependence on the grid power lines are the costs of getting a solar panel installed. Simply said, solar power at the moment is not cheap. It may not be as expensive as when it was first introduced in the market but it is still not within the monetary grasps of majority of the population.

On top of that, it is disheartening to know that it might take years and years for the cash savings on electric bill consumption to match the investment made on the solar panels. And just as with anything manmade, these panels are vulnerable to damages and have a limited lifespan. At most, the expensive ones could last 25 years, but hairline cracks and damages could put all those bucks in the dump. In the US, a solar panel installation project could cost $10,000 to $20,000 on the minimum. That is not even the most expensive monocrystalline silicon solar panels yet.

And that does not even include the other implements that come with the panels to increase efficiency like solar cell batteries. And more often than not, the cost of hiring a third-party installation company comes as a separate cost from the panels. Even government tax incentives could not make it attractive enough for the average American! Cost alternatives Efforts to live in green homes as far as energy consumption is concerned are at the moment limited to solar energy.

You cannot possibly have a mini hydroelectric generator in your backyard, and it is practically impossible to build windmills for your home energy consumptions. Solar energy remains the most practical and most possible option as of yet. Fortunately enough, there are ways to somehow afford getting your own solar panel installation job done without the need for thousands of dollars on upfront payment. For one, banks now offer solar loans and another, there now are companies that offer solar leasing. If you are truly interested in going the solar energy way, you may want to explore these options and find out its availability in your region.

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